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Home School Visits

Enhance your home schooler’s learning by participating in one of our specialized home school programs. Learners will get the opportunity to take part in interactive, educational workshops and explore the exhibits at Discovery Centre. Led by our Science Educators, we offer a variety of curriculum connected themes throughout the year. Program dates will be added throughout the year so please continue to check this page.

Storm Structures- 5-7 Years

October 4, 10:00-10:45am

Considering a variety of materials, learners are challenged to work together to design and build a structure that will weather an oncoming storm! Learners are encouraged to consider the needs of living things and flex their problem-solving skills to keep the inhabitant, safe, dry, and warm. This fun and fast-paced workshop brings creativity, innovation and critical thinking to life!

We’re Wheely Moving-  8-12 Years

October 4, 10:00-11:00am

How can we make something move? How should we join materials together? What simple machines are essential for rolling and how do they work? Wheely Moving challenges students to complete two engineering tests tiered to their grade level, while also considering forces at play. This fast-paced motion-packed workshop encourages students to think about purpose and design as they build and test their own car.

Live Star Show (Dome theatre program) – 5-7

December 13, 10:00-10:30am 

Explore the changes happening all around you, as the sun goes down and the stars come out! Join us as we find patterns in the sky, learn about what creates a day and the seasons, and how these cycles affect other living things and our environment.

Sounds of Science –  8-12 Years

December 13, 10:00am-11:00am

Make some noise exploring the science of sound. Using everything from Slinkys to tuning forks to resonating bowls, students will learn how sounds travel as waves and are affected by different materials. Through hands-on, ears-on activities, students will learn to identify the transmitter, medium, and receiver needed to make a sound.

One Upon a Worm – 5-7

February 7, 10:00-10:45am 

Learn what it’s like to live like a worm! Once upon a Worm takes a dive into the life of a Red Wiggler to learn about their senses and what they need to grow, survive, and thrive in their environment. Guided by our science educators, students will work in small groups to observe, and if comfortable, handle our live Red Wiggler worms.

Live Star Show (Dome Theatre Program) –  8-12 Years

February 7, 10:00am-10:30am

Settle in as we investigate how the Earth’s position and motion in space drives our daily, seasonal and lunar cycles. We’ll also consider humanity’s deep historical and cultural connections with the stars, the planets and the Moon.

We’re Wheely Moving -5-7

May 8, 10:00-11:00am 

How can we make something move? How should we join materials together? What simple machines are essential for rolling and how do they work? Wheely Moving challenges students to complete two engineering tests tiered to their grade level, while also considering forces at play. This fast-paced motion-packed workshop encourages students to think about purpose and design as they build and test their own car.

Facts of Light-  8-12 Years

May 8, 10:00am-11:00am

This workshop introduces the visible light spectrum, as well as the speed and properties of light. Each “fact of light” is paired with hands-on experiments to prove science can brighten up your day!

  • Non-members: $15
  • Members: $12
  • One chaperone will receive free admission with each child registered
AGE RANGES 5-7 years & 8-12 years

Pre-Registration and pre-payment is required for all home school programs.  

Arrivals & Departure
Home school program participants are welcome to additional time at the Centre with their registration. Please check in at the front desk when you arrive and find out the location of your program. Learners are asked to line up outside of the program space 5 minutes before the program begins. Chaperones are required to stay on-site for the duration of the visit and program. 

Late Arrivals
Latecomers are welcome to join a session in progress, however, we are unable to restart, extend sessions or provide additional instruction time. The exception to late arrivals is Dome Theatre presentations; once the door to the Theatre is closed, we are unable to admit latecomers.

Refund Policy
Cancellations must be received 14 days prior to the registered session to receive a full refund. Medical reasons that are not supported by a doctor’s note will be determined on a case by case basis. Within 14-21 days of initial request, refunds will be processed. We are unable to provide refunds for latecomers or no-shows.

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