Drop off and Pick up
- Drop off 8:15am – 9:00am
- Pick up 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Please note that parents/guardians will need to sign-in their children each morning at arrival. Parents and campers will be asked to acknowledge a camp contract outlining the requirement to adhere to behaviour expectations, and the need to stay home if exhibiting symptoms of a communicable illness. You will be required to acknowledge this contract daily with drop-off.
Parents/guardians are required to pick up their children no later than 5:00pm and are required to show identification.
What to Bring
Provide your camper with two snacks, a water bottle, a change of clothes, and a big lunch.
Refund: Cancellations must be received 14ys prior to the start date of the registered camp to receive a refund minus a $20 administration fee per camp, per child. Medical reasons will receive a refund minus a $20 administration fee. Refunds will be processed within 14-21 days.
Pick up: Late pick up fee is $15 for every 15 minutes late or portion thereof (ie. 5 minutes late is $15 and 20 minutes late is $30)
Registration: Please note that summer camps are designed for school aged children. Children must already have completed Primary and be going into Grade 1 this fall to be eligible for Discovery Centre Summer Camps.