Science in the Centre Kids Science Science in the Centre Kids Science

Science in the Centre

Visit our Winter Exhibit January 18 – April 27, Dinosaur Explorer

Discovery Centre is the place for school visits and educational trips! With four floors of exhibits to explore and programming designed for your needs, there is plenty to inspire your curiosity.

Our Science in the Centre workshops provide a curriculum-connected, hands-on, minds-on learning environment that gives students the confidence to take part in class discussions and feel accomplished and inspired to further their learning.

Did you know? Day Trippers Children’s Charity aims to remove financial barriers and enable enriched learning opportunities for youth across Canada. Daytrippers provides funding to help elementary schools experience learning opportunities for school visits and class trips. Learn more:

Please note: Discovery Centre is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Your booking is not confirmed until you receive a contract.

Upon your arrival, your class will be greeted at our bus drop-off location and be guided to our Orientation Gallery. Our team will then provide a group orientation of the centre and answer any questions from teachers, chaperones and students From there, you are free to explore the centre with your class. We strongly recommend breaking off into smaller chaperoned groups. STEAM Facilitators are accessible on each level and are ready to answer any questions and help you get the most from your visit.


  • Admission for a visit to the centre for those from a secondary institution.
  • An orientation from one of our STEAM Facilitators
  • Space to store coats, bags and lunches
  • Space to eat lunch indoors or outdoors, no private lunch rooms are available


The Discovery Centre does not have a dedicated parking lot. Meter parking and accessible parking is available in the surrounding area, with weekly hourly paid parking available along the Waterfront and Seaport Market. Bus turnaround available, please make sure to mention to your booking representative.

To receive the discounted admission rate, your school representative must book before your visit.

Rates are subject to change. Please book your visit a minimum of two weeks in advance.

Centre Visit (Students)

$6.00 (HST applied to grades 8-12)

Centre Visit (Teachers & Chaperones)




$4.00 (HST applied to grades 8-12)

Specialty Workshops

$6.00 (HST applied to grades 8-12)

Dome Theatre Show

$4.00 (HST applies to grades 8-12)


Capacity: 12 – 30 students per workshop

Creature Detective

PP – Discovery and Invention
PR – Live Science: Living Things

Students will become detectives and investigate a mystery creature (psst – the Red Wiggler worm!) Learn what it means to be a living thing and how different animals compare. This interactive workshop gives learners a glimpse into the life of a composting worm and empowers learners to consider how human actions like composting waste can support balance in our environment.  


Float the Boat

PR – Physical Science: Sand and Water (Buoyancy, Absorption) 

Is your boat built for speed, built to haul, and most importantly… is it built to float?  Working in small groups, grade primary Bluenosers, investigate the science of floating and sinking using various objects and learn how water interacts with different materials.  Learners experience a boat building challenge, to transport precious cargo while strengthening learning connections between floating, sinking, water repellant and absorbent materials


Storm Structures

GR 1 – Physical Science: Materials, Objects, and Devices

Working in small groups, learners are challenged to build a structure to weather a rainstorm and keep their paper person dry. Learners will investigate various reused and reusable materials while thoughtfully considering the responsibility of respecting materials to reduce waste and live sustainably.


Once Upon a Worm

GR 1 – Life Science: Needs of Living Things
GR 2 – Life Science: Animal Growth and Changes

Learn what it’s like to live like a worm! Dive into the life of a composting worm to learn about their senses and what they need to grow, survive, and thrive in their environment. Guided by our science educators, learners will work in small groups to observe, and if comfortable, handle live Red Wiggler worms before taking their own action to support the health of the worms and our environment. 


We’re Wheely Moving

GR 2 – Physical Science: Motion
GR 3 – Physical Science: Structures

How can I build an object that moves? How can I change how an object moves? Learners explore these questions as they complete two engineering challenges in this fast-paced, motion-packed workshop. Learners are encouraged to think about purpose, design, and the factors that effect motion, as they build and launch their own gravity and wind-powered cars. 


Bridging the Gap

GR 3 – Physical Science: Structures

Students explore the art and science of architecture by learning about four different bridge designs (arch, truss, suspension, and beam). Working in small teams,  students will construct an arch bridge from blueprints, learn what factors can result in structural failure, and complete an engineering challenge to design and build a paper bridge to support the most weight!


May the Forces be with You

GR 3 – Physical Science: Invisible Forces

Invisible forces are all around us! Through hands-on exploration with magnets and a shockingly, hair-raising experience with the Van de Graaff Generator, learners will discover that magnetic and static forces involve the pushes and pulls of repulsion and attraction. 


Safety Advisory: Although the Van de Graaff generator produces a very low current, it may cause problems with people who have heart problems or a pacemaker and can affect electronic devices. It’s recommended that anyone with heart conditions, pacemakers, or electronic medical devices such as insulin pumps, and or cochlear implants, avoid close proximity and contact with the Van de Graff generator. 

Acoustic Adventure

GR 4 – Physical Science: Sound

Croak, Hiss, Peck, Buzz – join us on a roaring road trip! Listen carefully as we explore the science behind the sounds of wildlife from across Canada! Feel the vibrations, make some noise, and experience how sound waves travel through different states of matter. Learners will be inspired by nature to try out the science for themselves using everyday objects and finally create their own musical instrument.


Sensory Advisory: This workshop gets pretty noisy. Please consider packing noise reducing earmuffs for learners with auditory hypersensitivity.

Geology Rocks!

GR 4 – Earth and Space Science: Rocks and Minerals

Rocks, minerals, and their uses come to life in this hands-on workshop. Students undergo hands-on investigations to classify real geological samples and gain insights into the dynamics of Earth’s crust through the rock cycle! 


Digestive Drama

GR 5 – Life Science: Healthy Body Cells

Join one of our educators for a visceral guided tour of the digestive tract and your breakfast’s journey through it. This 45-minute interactive show gets everyone participating in following food from the beginning to the very end of the digestive system.


Slimy Science

GR 5 – Physical Science: Chemical and Physical Properties

Be prepared to get slimed as we explore the properties of matter. Students get messy as they conduct experiments on physical and chemical changes to matter. This 1-hour workshop has a fun take home for students.


Allergy Advisory: This workshop uses food grade Sodium alginate. Individuals with shellfish allergies may also react to sodium alginate. While ingredients are not being consumed in this workshop, please make our team aware of shellfish allergies when booking so gloves can be provided.  

Electric Odyssey

GR 6 – Physical Science: Electricity (Circuits and Static Electricity)

Explore current static electricity in this jam-packed 1-hour workshop. Groups of students are challenged to hook up simple, series and parallel circuits on our circuit boards. Students get an up-close look at how positive static electricity can be with the Van de Graaff generator.


Safety Advisory: Although the Van de Graaff generator produces a very low current, it may cause problems with people who have heart problems or a pacemaker and can affect electronic devices. It’s recommended that anyone with heart conditions, pacemakers, or electronic medical devices such as insulin pumps, and or cochlear implants, avoid close proximity and contact with the Van de Graff generator.  

Capture the Wind

GR 6 – Physical Science: Electricity (Methods of Generating Electricity)

In this energetic workshop, learners compare renewable and non-renewable sources of electricity before focusing on a wind turbine challenge. Working in small groups, learners apply their knowledge of forces to engineer and test turbine blades that will drive an electric generator. When faced with heavy winds, students will measure their turbine’s electricity output to determine which is most powerful!


Why Purify

GR 7 – Environmental Action: Separation of Mixtures

Discover the science behind our clothes and how to make conscious decisions so they don’t end up in our landfills.


Allergy Advisory: This workshop uses food grade Sodium alginate. Individuals with shellfish allergies may also react to sodium alginate. While ingredients are not being consumed in this workshop, please make our team aware of shellfish allergies when booking so gloves can be provided.  

Heat of the Moment

Gr 7 – Engineering Structures (Construction Materials)
Gr 8 – Climate Change (Heat Capacity of Materials)  

Let’s get some appreciation for insulation! This workshop challenges learners to apply knowledge of construction materials, heat transfer and capacity to construct the most heat efficient building. Together, we will evaluate the structures like an energy efficiency inspector. Learners will go on to consider how they can apply this knowledge in their own lives to save energy. 


Cast the Past

GR 4 – Earth and Space Science: Rocks and Minerals (Fossil Formation)

Dig deep into the past and uncover science ten thousand years in the making. In this hands-on investigation, learners explore the mysterious lifeforms that once roamed, swam, or were rooted to our Earth and learn how they became preserved though the process of fossilization. As a unique take home and opportunity for future classroom discovery, learners cast their own replica fossil and teachers receive a fossil identification key to match student specimens.


Lunar Bots

Gr 6 – Earth and Space Science: Space (Space Exploration Innovations)
Gr 9 – Space Exploration
Gr 10-12 – Technology and Coding 

In 1969, humans achieved the amazing milestone of landing on the Moon – now, it’s time for your class to head back. Learners will become familiar with Canada’s recent and upcoming contributions to space exploration and join the international space community in learning more about the Moon. Using block coding, learners will program Sphero RVRs to conduct missions that simulate how real space rovers complete analyses autonomously.


Under the Microscope

GR 8 – Healthy Cells, Healthy Systems (Plant and Animal Cells)
Gr 11 – Matter and Energy for Life (Interaction of Cell Structures)  

Students will go microscopic as they learn about the differences between plant and animal cells, through an introduction to light microscopy. Students will learn how to prepare slides of plant tissue and will compare their results to the structures seen within animal cells (human cheek cells). Learners will get a basic introduction to cell structure and organelle function, lab drawings, and how to calculate microscope magnification. *Allergy precaution – onions are used in this workshop* 


Eye Lights

GR 8 – Healthy Cells, Healthy Systems
Biology 11 – Biodiversity: Diversity Among Living Things
GR 12 – Nervous System: Neurons and Structure  

Shine up your lens and get ready to dissect a real eyeball. In this hands-on workshop, students will learn about the structures that make vision possible, why we have a natural blind spot, and how the structures dissected compare to the features of human eyes. Depending on availability of specimens, eyes used may be of the sheep, cow, or pig variety.  

1-hour; must book 3-weeks in advance

Salt and Vinegar: Exploring Ocean Acidification

GR 10 – Physical Science: Chemical Reactions
GR 10 – Life Science: Sustainability of Ecosystems 

This hands-on and inquiry-based learning experience connects multiple topics in Science 10. It explores climate change through the impact of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems due to carbon dioxide emissions. Centred in concepts related to chemical reactions, it moves from pure to applied science using real samples of marine animal shells.

Add-on a Dome Theatre show for your class visit! Take a 360 tour of the galaxy with curriculum-connected live star shows and engaging films. Capacity: Maximum 65 (including chaperones) 

What to expect in our Dome Theatre

Live Star Shows

Take a personal tour of the skies above you with our highly skilled Dome Theatre presenters. Ask questions, marvel at the universe, and spark your students’ curiosity for space. 

Look Up

PP – Patterns and Shapes

Join us as we look up at the Halifax sky and discover what’s out in space and why the night is so dark. Prepare for take-off as we go on a 20-minute adventure to explore twinkling stars and our favourite neighbour, the Moon!


To Every Season

PR – GR 3 – Patterns and Relations, Sequencing, Weather 

Explore the changes happening all around you, as the sun goes down and the stars come out! Join us as we find patterns in the sky, learn about what creates a day and the seasons, and how these cycles affect other living things and our environment.


There is no Planet B

GR 5, 7 & 8  Weather, Environmental Action, Climate Change

Take an interplanetary voyage exploring the unique conditions of Earth’s biosphere. Gain an astronaut’s eye view of the systems that sustain it and consider new climate solutions and actions on the way.


Space Case

GR 5 – 8 – Dayparts, Seasons, Cultural Connections 

Settle in as we investigate how the Earth’s position and motion in space drives our daily, seasonal and lunar cycles. We’ll also consider humanity’s deep historical and cultural connections with the stars, the planets and the Moon.


Mission: Discovery

GR 6, 9 – 12 – Innovations in Space Exploration, Technology

A source of inspiration, cultural lore and a sight to behold, the Moon has always captured the human imagination. Explore the possibilities in a new era of space exploration with the Artemis Missions, humankind’s ambitious and innovative journey BACK to the Moon! Soar through space and get an up-close look at the Moon, ground-breaking rocketry and the people behind this historical moment as we boldly go where few have gone before!


Beyond the Solar System

GR 9 – 12 – Theories of Formation, Aspects of Universe, Time and Space, and Technology 

Have you ever wondered how our Solar System formed? Or why stars are so hot? What lies beyond the Earth and our cosmic neighbourhood? Join us as we boldly go through space in search of the answers to these cosmic questions!



Go beyond the confines of traditional cinema with our immersive fulldome films, as images fly overhead and behind you.

One World, One Sky


Follow characters from Sesame Street as they take an imaginary trip to the Moon, where they discover how different it is from Earth.

27-minutes | Watch Trailer

NEW: Antarctica

GR 4 – 12

Antarctica is a land of mystery and yet what happens here affects us all. It’s the coldest, driest, and windiest place on Earth, but wonderful creatures thrive here in abundance. Swim along side playful seals, soar above vast penguin colonies and witness the largest group of fin and humpback whales ever filmed.

25-minutes | Watch Trailer

Backyard Wilderness

PP – GR 6
Available in French and English

Spanning a seasonal year around a suburban home, the film displays a stunning array of unique wildlife images and behaviour.

22-minutes | Watch Trailer

Cosmic Adventure

GR 1 – 4
Available in French and English

Take a roller coaster ride from the moon through our solar system, our galaxy, and beyond.

20-minutes | Watch Trailer

Beyond the Sun

GR 3 – 6 & 9

Become exoplanet hunters, uncovering lonely rogue planets, oceanic worlds, and even super-Earths. Available in French and English

26-minutes | Watch Trailer

Edge of Darkness

GR 6 – 8

Immerse yourself in ground-breaking discoveries from the past 5 years of space exploration.

25-minutes | Watch Trailer

The Sun, Our Living Star

GR 6 – 9

Discover the secrets of our star, the sun, and experience never-before-seen images of the Sun’s violent surface.

26-minutes | Watch Trailer 

Secret Lives of Stars

GR 6 – 9

Witness the outstanding variety of stars and peer into their secret lives.

27-minutes | Watch Trailer

Magnetism: Defending our Planet, Defining the Cosmos

GR 9 – 12

Magnetism is all around, and you’ll discover how this powerful, misunderstood force shields oceans from solar winds and how scientists trying to understand the connection between the Earth and the Sun.

30-minutes | Watch Trailer

School Visits and Science in the Centre program policies:

  • At Discovery Centre, we spark curiosity and nurture a love for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics in everyone who visits. Our team is dedicated to creating a warm, safe, and respectful space for our guests and staff. To ensure everyone’s well-being, we kindly ask that all visitors refrain from any behaviour that might jeopardize the safety or comfort of others. Anyone displaying aggressive, harassing, threatening, or discriminatory actions will be asked to leave.
  • Rates apply for groups of 12 or more paid admissions. Workshops require a minimum of 12 paid students to run. All attendees must pay as part of the group at the corresponding rate. Memberships are not valid for group programs and/or visits.
  • Teachers and chaperones attending a school visit are admission free, including attending any programs and/or dome theater shows. Chaperones and teachers are responsible for supervision of students at all times.
  • Payment is due the date of your visit and can be made via cash, credit, debit or check made payable to the Discovery Centre. We cannot invoice schools for payment after a visit.
  • To cancel or reschedule all or part of a visit, the school is required to contact Discovery Centre at least 72 hours prior to the visit. In the event the school cancels a visit after this time and does not attempt to reschedule the visit, a cancellation fee of $50 will be incurred.
  • In the event that school is cancelled due to inclement weather the visit scheduled for that day will be rescheduled to a future date at the school’s convenience within Science in the Centre’s already confirmed schedule.
  • The full cost of your visit as shown on your confirmation will be charged upon arrival unless you notify us by e-mail any changes, increases or decreases in numbers, by 4 p.m. one week prior to your visit.

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